We are hiring Teaching Assistants (TAs)
招募资格 Eligibility |
多益(TOEIC)分数达650分以上者 托福(TOEFL)纸笔测验(ITP)分数达500分以上者 雅思(IELTS)分数达4.5分以上者 TOEIC score over 650 , TOEFL ITP score over 500 or IELTS score over 4.5 |
招募助教类别 TA Types |
英检密集班助教TOEIC/TOEFL Intensive Program TA |
大一通识英文助教General English TA |
EZ Talk TA (International students only) |
时薪 Payment |
140元/hr. (可发服务证明A service certificate can be awarded) |
备审资料 Application Materials |
1. 申请表格Application form (请至语发中心网站下载http://cltr.asia.edu.tw/ 2. 英检成绩单及相关证明English certificate(s) (official test scores or related certificate(s)) 3. 当学期修课课表Class schedule 4. 具其他外语环境工作或行政经验证明者尤佳 Documents showing experience and administrative experience in a multilingual environment.(optional) |
申请方式 Application Method |
请把以上资料寄到cltr@asia.edu.tw 或者交到M201 Please send application materials to cltr@asia.edu.tw or hand them to M201 |
备注 |
*申请「大一通识英文助教General English TA」者,大二、大三生优先备选,有意愿应征者,请直接缴交资料到M204廖助理 * Sophomore and junior students have the priority to apply for General English TAs. Please turn in all required documents to Tanya Liao at M204. *另应征具有影片剪辑能力经验者,欢迎应征。 * We welcome students who have had experience in making videos and editing. |
截止时间 Deadline |
107/09/14 13:00 |
Please check the CDLTR website & MOE project website for the latest information, or come to the Language Corridor @ M201 & M204 for further questions.
Organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research ,
International College
Co-Organizer: MOE General English Curriculum and Pedagogy Reform Project