姓名 黄元励
联络电话 6371
职称 副院长兼系主任(教授)
主责 学士后兽医学系
学历 国立台湾大学 分子与细胞生物学 博士
经历 中国医药大学附设医院医研部 研究顾问
亚洲大学生物科技学系 系主任
亚洲大学癌症研究中心 主任
亚洲大学医学检验暨生物技术学系 系主任
专长 细胞生物学、癌症生物学、细胞骨架、组织学、讯息传递
职称 副院长
年度 论文名称
2023 Nguyen Thi Nha Trang、赖朝阳(Chao-Yang Lai)、 Hsiao-Chi Tsai、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、 Shan-Chi Liu、Chun-Hao Tsai、 Yi-Chin Fong、Huey-En Tzeng, Apelin promotes osteosarcoma metastasis by upregulating PLOD2 expression via the Hippo signaling pathway and hsa_circ_0000004/miR-1303 axis, International Journal of Biological Sciences, vol.19 no.2 pp.412-425, 2023
2023 Chien-Chin Chen、Chung-Tao Tang、赖朝阳(Chao-Yang Lai)、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、Yu-Hsuan Cheng、林玉凤(Lin Yu-Feng)、Cheng-Ting Lin、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*, In vitro Assessment of the Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties of Flammulina velutipes Stipe Extracts, ANTICANCER RESEARCH, 2023
2023 Sunny Li-Yun Chang、 Chiang-Wen Lee、 Chen-Yu Yang、 Zih-Chan Lin、Kuo-Ti Peng、Shih-Chia Liu、 Shih-Wei Wang、 Hsiao-Chi Tsai、 Yi-Chin Fong、赖朝阳(Chao-Yang Lai)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), IOX-1 suppresses metastasis of osteosarcoma by upregulating histone H3 lysine trimethylation, BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY, 2023
2023 Bao Tran Nguyen、 Chih-Yang Lin、 Ting-Kuo Chan、Yi-Chin Fong、Louis Anoop Thadevoos、赖朝阳(Chao-Yang Lai)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、 Chun-Hao Tsai、Chih-Yuan Ko、 Ju-Fang Liu、 Shun-Fa Yang, Melatonin inhibits chondrosarcoma cell proliferation and metastasis by enhancing miR-520f-3p production and suppressing MMP7 expression, JOURNAL OF PINEAL RESEARCH, 2023
2022 Yueh-Chien Lin、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、 Ming-Hua Wang、 Chih-Yu Chen、Wei-Min Chen、Yi-Cheng Weng、 Pei-Yi Wu( Pei-Yi Wu)*, Calreticulin Regulates β1-Integrin mRNA Stability in PC-3 Prostate Cancer Cells, Biomedicines, vol.10 no.3 pp.646-, 2022
2021 Chia-Chia Chao、 Wei-Fang Lee、 Wei-Hung Yang、Chih-Yang Lin、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、 Yi-Chin Fong、 Min-Huan Wu、I-Ta Lee、 Yuan-Hsin Tsai、Chih-Hsin Tang, IGFBP-3 stimulates human osteosarcoma cell migration by upregulating VCAM-1 expression, LIFE SCIENCES, vol.15 pp.265-, 2021
2021 Ju-Fang Liu、Miao-Ching Chi、Chih-Yang Lin、Chiang-Wen Lee、Tsung-Ming Chang、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Yi-Chin Fong、Hsien-Te Chen、Chih-Hsin Tang(Chih-Hsin Tang)*, PM2.5 facilitates IL-6 production in human osteoarthritis synovial fibroblasts via ASK1 activation, Journal of Cellular Physiology, vol.236 no.3 pp.2205-2213, 2021
2021 韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、Wei-Fang Lee、 Chin-Jung Hsu、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chih-Yang Lin、Chun-Hao Tsai、 Chien-Chung Huang、Yi-Chin Fong、 Min-Huan Wu、 Ju-Fang Liu, DPP4 reduces proinflammatory cytokine production in human rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, vol.236 no.12 pp.8060-8069, 2021
2020 Huang YW、Lin CY、Tsai HC、Fong YC、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Wu WT、Cheng SP、Chang HC、Liao KW, Amphiregulin promotes cisplatin chemoresistance by upregulating ABCB1 expression in human chondrosarcoma., Aging-US, vol.12 no.10 pp.9475-9488, 2020
2020 Liu JF、Lee CW、Lin CY、Chao CC、Chang TM、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Fong YC、Tang CH, CXCL13/CXCR5 Interaction Facilitates VCAM-1-Dependent Migration in Human Osteosarcoma, International Journal of Medical Sciences, vol.21 no.17 pp.6095-, 2020
2019 Shu-Jui Kuo、Shan-Chi Liu、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chun-Hao Tsai、Yi-Chin Fong、Horng-Chaung Hsu、Chih-Hsin Tang(Chih-Hsin Tang)*, TGF-β1 enhances FOXO3 expression in human synovial fibroblasts by inhibiting miR-92a through AMPK and p38 pathways, Aging-US, vol.11 no.12 pp.4075-4089, 2019
2019 Dai C、Kuo SJ、Hu SL、Tsai CH、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Huang CC、Wang L、Xu G、Su CM、Tang CH, VEGF-C Gene Polymorphisms Increase Susceptibility to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Int J Med Sci, International Journal of Medical Sciences, vol.16 no.10 pp.1397-1403, 2019
2019 Tsai HC、Cheng SP、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Wang SW、Lee JJ、 Lai CT、Fong YC、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, Resistin enhances angiogenesis in osteosarcoma via the MAPK signaling pathway, Aging-US, vol.11 no.21 pp.9767-9777, 2019
2019 Wang CQ、Lin CY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Wang SW、Wang Y、Huang BF、Lai YW、Weng SL、Fong YC、Tang CH、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*, Shingosine-1-phosphate promotes PDGF-dependent endothelial progenitor cell angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells, Aging-US, vol.11 no.23 pp.11040-11053, 2019
2018 Wu MH、Tsai CH、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Fong YC、Tang CH, Visfatin Promotes IL-6 and TNF-α Production in Human Synovial Fibroblasts by Repressing miR-199a-5p through ERK, p38 and JNK Signaling Pathways, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, vol.19 no.1, 2018
2018 Lin YC、Chen CC、Chen WM、Lu KY、Shen TL、Jou YC、Shen CH、Ohbayashi N、Kanaho Y、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*, LPA1/3 signaling mediates tumor lymphangiogenesis through promoting CRT expression in prostate cancer, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY OF LIPIDS, vol.S1388-198 no.18 pp.30170-30177, 2018
2018 Wu TJ、Fong YC、Lin CY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tang CH, Glucose enhances aggrecan expression in chondrocytes via the PKCα/p38-miR141-3p signaling pathway, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, vol.233 no.9 pp.6878-6887, 2018
2018 Wu TJ、Lin CY、Tsai CH、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tang CH, Glucose suppresses IL-1β-induced MMP-1 expression through the FAK, MEK, ERK and AP-1 signaling pathways, ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY, vol.33 no.10 pp.1061-1068, 2018
2018 Tsai HC、Chang AC、Tsai CH、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Gan L、Chen CK、Liu SC、Huang TY、Fong YC、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, CCN2 promotes drug resistance in osteosarcoma by enhancing ABCG2 expression, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, vol.50 no.2 pp.597-611, 2018
2018 黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Lin YC、Lin CC、Chen WM、Chen BPC、Lee H, High Glucose Induces VEGF-C Expression via the LPA1/3-Akt-ROS-LEDGF Signaling Axis in Human Prostate Cancer PC-3 Cells, CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, vol.50 no.2 pp.597-611, 2018
2018 Wu PY、Lin YC、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chen WM、Chen CC、Lee H, Mechanisms of Lysophosphatidic Acid-Mediated Lymphangiogenesis in Prostate Cancer, Cancers, vol.10 no.11, 2018
2017 Wang CQ、Huang YW、Wang SW、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tsai CH、Zhao YM、Huang BF、Xu GH、Fong YC、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, Amphiregulin enhances VEGF-A production in human chondrosarcoma cells and promotes angiogenesis by inhibiting miR-206 via FAK/c-Src/PKCδ pathway, CANCER LETTERS, vol.391 pp.28-37, 2017
2017 Su CM、Chen CY、Lu T、Sun Y、Li W、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tsai CH、Chang CS、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, A novel benzofuran derivative, ACDB, induces apoptosis of human chondrosarcoma cells through mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress., Oncotarget, vol.7 no.50 pp.83530-83543, 2017
2017 Tsai HC、Tzeng HE、Huang CY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tsai CH、Wang SW、Wang PC、Chang AC、Fong YC、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, WISP-1 positively regulates angiogenesis by controlling VEGF-A expression in human osteosarcoma, Cell Death & Disease, vol.8 no.4 pp.e2750-, 2017
2017 Wang LH、Tsai HC、Cheng YC、Lin CY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tsai CH、Xu GH、Wang SW、Fong YC、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, CTGF promotes osteosarcoma angiogenesis by regulating miR-543/angiopoietin 2 signaling., CANCER LETTERS, vol.391 pp.28-37, 2017
2017 Chen PC、Tang CH、林良蔚(Lin LW)、Tsai CH、Chu CY、Lin TH、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*, Thrombospondin-2 promotes prostate cancer bone metastasis by the up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 through down-regulating miR-376c expression, Journal of Hematology & Oncology, vol.10 no.1 pp.33-, 2017
2017 Chun-Hao Tsai、Dong-Ying Yang、Chih-Yang Lin、Tsung-Ming Chen、Chih-Hsin Tang、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*, Sphingosine-1-phosphate suppresses chondrosarcoma metastasis by upregulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 through suppressing miR-101 expression, Molecular Oncology, vol.11 no.2017 pp.1380-1398, 2017
2017 Wang LH、Wu MH、Chen PC、Su CM、Xu G、Huang CC、Tsai CH、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tang CH, Prognostic significance of high-mobility group box protein 1 genetic polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis disease outcome, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, vol.14 no.13 pp.1382-1388, 2017
2016 韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、林俊义(Chien-Yih Lin)、Lee H、Tang CH、黄定鼎、Zeng YR、Chuang TN、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*, Comparison of immunemodulatory and anticancer activities in different strains of Tremella fuciformis Berk, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE, vol.43 no.8 pp.1637-1655, 2016
2015 Tsai CH、Tsai HC、Huang HN、Hung CH、Hsu CJ、Fong YC、Hsu HC、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*、Tang CH, Resistin promotes tumor metastasis by down-regulation of miR-519d through the AMPK/p38 signaling pathway in human chondrosarcoma cells, Oncotarget, vol.6 no.1 pp.258-270, 2015
2015 Wang SW、Liu SC、Sun HL、Huang TY、Chan CH、Yang CY、Yeh HI、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chou WY,、Lin YM,、Tang CH(Tang CH)*、、、, CCL5/CCR5 axis induces vascular endothelial growth factor-mediated tumor angiogenesis in human osteosarcoma microenvironment, CARCINOGENESIS, vol.36 no.1 pp.104-114, 2015
2015 Liu GT、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tzeng HE、Tsai CH、Wang SW、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, CCL5 promotes vascular endothelial growth factor expression and induces angiogenesis by down-regulating miR-199a in human chondrosarcoma cells, CANCER LETTERS, vol.357 no.2 pp.476-487, 2015
2015 Chen YC、Liang YL、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Huang BM(Huang BM)*, Mechanism of Toona sinensis-stimulated adrenal steroidogenesis in primary rat adrenal cells, Journal of Functional Foods, vol.14 pp.318-323, 2015
2014 黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chang CL、Tang CH、Lin YC、Ju TK、Huang WP、Lee H, Extrinsic sphingosine 1-phosphate activates S1P5 and induces autophagy through generating endoplasmic reticulum stress in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells., CELLULAR SIGNALLING, vol.26 no.2014 pp.611-618, 2014
2014 Chuang JY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Yen WL、Chiang IP、Tsai MH、Tan CH, Syk/JNK/AP-1 Signaling Pathway Mediates Interleukin-6-Promoted Cell Migration in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, vol.151 pp.549-559, 2014
2014 Cheng-Yu Chen、Chen-Ming Su、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chun-Hao Tsai、Lih-Jyh Fuh、汤智昕(Chih-Hsin, Tang)*, CCN1 Induces Oncostatin M Production in Osteoblasts via Integrin-Dependent Signal Pathways, PLoS One, vol.9 no.9 pp.e106632-e106632, 2014
2014 Wang HJ、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Shih YY、Wu HY、Peng CT、Lo WY(Lo WY)*, MicroRNA-146a decreases high glucose/thrombin-induced endothelial inflammation by inhibiting NAPDH oxidase 4 expression, MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION, vol.2014 pp.379537-, 2014
2014 Yang WH、Tsai CH、Fong YC、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Wang SJ、Chang YS、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, Leptin induces oncostatin M production in osteoblasts by downregulating miR-93 through the Akt signaling pathway, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, vol.15 no.9 pp.15778-15790, 2014
2013 Sphingosine -1-phosphate- induced vascular endothelial growth factor-C is MMP-2/FGF-1/FGFR-1-dependent in endothelial cells., ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 2013
2013 Chang CH、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Shyu MK、Chen SU、Lin CH、Ju TK、Lu JH、Lee H(Lee H)*, Sphingosine -1-phosphate- induced vascular endothelial growth factor-C is MMP-2/FGF-1/FGFR-1-dependent in endothelial cells., ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 2013
2013 Chang CH,、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Shyu MK、Chen SU、Lin CH、Ju TK、Lu JH、Lee H, Sphingosine -1-phosphate- induced vascular endothelial growth factor-C is MMP-2/FGF-1/FGFR-1-dependent in endothelial cells., ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, vol.34 no.3 pp.360-366, 2013
2013 Chang KW、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Wong ZR、Su PH、Huang BM、Ju TK、Yang HY, Fibroblast growth factor-2 up-regulates the expression of nestin through the Ras-Raf-ERK-Sp1 signaling axis in C6 glioma cells., BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol.434 no.4 pp.854-860, 2013
2013 Lee H、Chang KW、Yang HY、Lin PW、Chen SU、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)*, MMP-2 expression and angiogenesis-related functions in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol.437 no.2 pp.232-238, 2013
2013 Wu PY、Lin YC、Lan SY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Lee H(Lee H)*, Aromatic hydrocarbon receptor inhibits lysophosphatidic acid-induced vascular endothelial growth factor-A expression in PC-3 prostate cancer cells, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol.437 no.3 pp.440-445, 2013
2013 Lin CC、Lin CE、Lin YC、Ju TK、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Lee MS、Chen JH、Lee H(Lee H)*, Lysophosphatidic acid induces reactive oxygen species generation by activating protein kinase C in PC-3 human prostate cancer cells., BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol.440 no.4 pp.564-569, 2013
2012 Lin YM、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Fong YC、Tsai CH、Chou MC、Tang CH*, Hepatocyte Growth Factor Increases Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Production in Human Synovial Fibroblasts through c-Met Receptor Pathway., PLoS One, vol.7 no.11 pp.e50924-, 2012
2012 Liu JF、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Yang WH、Chang CS、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, 1-Benzyl-2-Phenylbenzimidazole (BPB), a Benzimidazole Derivative, Induces Cell Apoptosis in Human Chondrosarcoma through Intrinsic and Extrinsic Pathways, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, vol.13 no.12 pp.16472-16488, 2012
2012 Lin YM、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Fong YC、Tsai CH、Chou MC、Tang CH(Tang CH)*, Hepatocyte Growth Factor Increases Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Production in Human Synovial Fibroblasts through c-Met Receptor Pathway., PLoS One, vol.7 no.11 pp.e50924-, 2012
2012 Tsai SY、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Yang WH、Tang CH, Hepatocyte growth factor-induced BMP-2 expression is mediated by c-Met receptor, FAK, JNK, Runx2, and p300 pathways in human osteoblasts, INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY, vol.13 no.2 pp.156-162, 2012
2011 Tan TW、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Chang JT、Lin JJ、Fong YC、Kuo CC、Tsai CH、Chen YJ、Chen YH、Tang CH、、, CCN3 increases BMP-4 expression and bone mineralization in osteoblasts, JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, vol.227 no.6 pp.2531-2541, 2011
2011 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Huang WP、Lee H, Roles of sphingosine 1-phosphate on tumorigenesis, World Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol.2 no.2 pp.25-34, 2011
2009 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Lin HS、Chen SU、Lee H, Tyrosine sulphation of sphingosine 1-phosphate 1 (S1P1) is required for S1P-mediated cell migration in primary cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, vol.146 no.6 pp.815-820, 2009
2009 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Shi GY、Wu GCC、Lee H、Jiang MJ、Wu HL、Yang HY, Nestin serves as a prosurvival determinant that links to the cytoprotective effect of epidermal growth factor in rat vascular smooth muscle cells, JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, vol.146 no.3 pp.307-315, 2009
2009 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Shi GY、Lee H、Jiang MJ、Huang BM、Wu HL、Yang HY, Thrombin induces nestin expression via the transactivation of EGFR signalings in rat vascular smooth muscle cells, CELLULAR SIGNALLING, vol.21 no.6 pp.954-968, 2009
2008 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Shi GY、Jiang MJ、Lee H、Chou YW、Wu HL、Yang HY, Epidermal growth factor up-regulates the expression of nestin through the Ras-Raf-ERK signaling axis in rat vascular smooth muscle cells, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol.377 no.2 pp.361-366, 2008
2008 Wu HL、Lin CI、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Chen PS、Kuo CH、Chen MS、Wu GC、Shi GY、Yang HY、Lee H, Lysophosphatidic acid stimulates thrombomodulin lectin-like domain shedding in human endothelial cells, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol.367 no.1 pp.162-168, 2008
2005 Chen YC、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Huang BM, Cordyceps sinensis mycelium activates PKA and PKC signal pathways to stimulate steroidogenesis in MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor cells, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY, vol.37 no.1 pp.214-223, 2005
2004 Lo HC、Yang JG、Liu BC、Chen YW、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Poon SL、Liu MY、Huang BM, The effects of Tremella aurantia on testosterone and corticosterone productions in normal and diabetic rats, ARCHIVES OF ANDROLOGY, vol.50 no.6 pp.395-404, 2004
2004 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Leu SF、Liu BC、Sheu CC、Huang BM, In vivo stimulatory effect of Cordyceps sinensis mycelium and its fractions on reproductive functions in male mouse, LIFE SCIENCES, vol.75 no.9 pp.1051-1062, 2004
2003 Hsu CC、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Tsai SJ、Sheu CC、Huang BM, In vivo and in vitro stimulatory effects of Cordyceps sinensis on testosterone production in mouse Leydig cells, LIFE SCIENCES, vol.73 no.16 pp.2127-2136, 2003
2003 Hsu CC、Tsai SJ、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Huang BM, Regulatory mechanism of Cordyceps sinensis mycelium on mouse Leydig cell steroidogenesis, FEBS LETTERS, vol.543 no.1-3 pp.140-143, 2003
2003 Chen LY、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Liu MY、Leu SF、Huang BM, Effects of amphetamine on steroidogenesis in MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor cells, LIFE SCIENCES, vol.72 no.17 pp.1983-1995, 2003
Liu JF、Chi MC、Lin CY、Lee CW、Chang TM、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Fong YC、Chen HT、Tang CH, PM2.5 facilitates IL-6 production in human osteoarthritis synovial fibroblasts via ASK1 activation., JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, vol.In Press
发表日期 论文名称
2016.05 Chen CH、Fu YG、Chang CY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), 19th International Congress of Cytology, May. 2016, Yokohama, Japan
2014.01 Lin HY、Yang TY、Lin DG、Lin JY、Han JG, The white Grifola frondosa suppresses human prostate cancer PC, 3 cell survival. - 10th Central European Oncology Congress, Jan. 2014, Opatija
2014.01 Lin DG、Yu MY、Lin YA、Wu MY、Huang CH, Hibiscus taiwanensis induces apoptosis via the mitochondrial, dependent pathway in PC-3 cells. - 10th Central European Oncology Congress, Jan. 2014, Opatija
2014.01 Lin YA、Wu MY、Huang CH、Han CJ, The apoptotic effects of hot water extract of Hibiscus taiwanensis roots on human prostate cancer PC, 3 cells - The 7th Joint Conference on Biotechnology Asia University and China Medical University, Jan. 2014, Taichung
2014.01 Huang HN、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Tang CH, Resistinpromotes MMP, 2 production and migration in human chondrosarcomacells through AMPK/p38/mir-519d pathways. - American Association for Cancer Research, Jan. 2014, San Diego
2013.01 Lin DG、Zeng YR、Lin JY、Han CK, The anticancer and immune, regulation studies of Tremella fuciformis cultivated from Taiwan and China. - International conference and exhibition on nutraceuticals and functional foods, Jan. 2013, Taipei
2013.01 Lin SC、Wu CY、Lin DG、Lin JJ、Huang TT、Chen CH、Su LW、Tsai CH、Han CK, The antioxidant and anticancer effects of Trionyx sinensis in different drying and extraction pretreatments. , International conference and exhibition on nutraceuticals and functional foods, Jan. 2013, Taipei
2013.01 Huang ZY、Ciou YC、Chen CS、Huan WY、Chen JX、Han CK, Antioxidative and Antimicrobial Activities of Garlic and Black Garlic Extracted by Ethanol. , International conference and exhibition on nutraceuticals and functional foods, Jan. 2013, Taipei
2013.01 Lin YC、Wu PY、Lan SY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Lee H, Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Inhibits Lysophosphatidic Acid, Induced Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors Expression in Prostate Cancer Cells - Experimental Biology, Jan. 2013, Boston
2013.01 Yang DY、Fan YX、Lin YA、Zeng YR、Huang CY, The anticancer effect of the fruiting body and primordial of Griforla frondosa. , The 27nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2013, Taipei
2013.01 Huang ZY、Wu JT、Yang DY、Lin YA、Huang CY、Han CK、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), Grifola frondosa Cultivated in Taiwan Suppress the Cancer Cell Viability. , The 27nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2013, Taipei
2013.01 Zeng YR、Chuang TN、Yang DY, Studies of anti, cancer and the active components of Tremella fuciformis cultivated from Taiwan and China. - The 6th Joint Conference on Biotechnology Asia University and China Medical University, Jan. 2013, Taichung
2013.01 Yang CY、Cheng YH、Huang ZY、Han CK, The Antitumor Activities of the Edible Part and the Discarded Part of Flammulina velutipes. , The 6th Joint Conference on Biotechnology Asia University and China Medical University, Jan. 2013, Taichung
2013.01 郑雨玹、杨婕妤、韩建国, 金针菇可食部位及菇脚之抗癌作用 , The 6th Joint Conference on Biotechnology Asia University and China Medical University, Jan. 2013, Taichung
2012.01 Shih BS、Chen YJ、Wang YT、Wang YM、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Han CK, The study of antioxidative capacity from Zizyphus jujube. , 台湾营养学年会第三十八届年会暨学术研讨会, Jan. 2012, 台南
2012.01 Wang YM、Chang HC、Lin CY、Han CK, Physicochemical properties of hamburger containing Tremella fuciformis during storage. , The 6th Cross-Strait Symposium on Food, Nutrition and Biotechnology., Jan. 2012, Hong Kong
2012.01 Wang YM、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chang HC、Lin CY、Han CK, The physical properties of Tremella fuciformis and the hamburger supplemented with Tremella fuciformis. , The 5th China Medical University & Asia University Joint Conference on Biotechnology, Jan. 2012, Taichung
2012.01 Lin LW、Huang CY、Chen WS、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), Changes in texture and physicochemical properties of hard biscuit supplemented with different amounts of Grifola frondosa. , The 6th Cross-Strait Symposium on Food, Nutrition and Biotechnology., Jan. 2012, Hong Kong
2012.01 Chen WS、Lin LW, Effects of physicochemical properties of hard biscuit supplemented with different particle sizes of Grifola frondosa. , The 6th Cross-Strait Symposium on Food, Nutrition and Biotechnology., Jan. 2012, Hong Kong
2012.01 Wang YM、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chang HC、Lin CY、Han CK, Effect of added Tremella fuciformis powder on the hamburger bun baking. , The 5th China Medical University & Asia University Joint Conference on Biotechnology, Jan. 2012, Taichung
2012.01 Wang YM、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chang HC、Lin CY、Han CK, The Extraction of Polysaccharide of different particle sizes of Tremella fuciformis. , The 5th China Medical University & Asia University Joint Conference on Biotechnology, Jan. 2012, Taichung
2012.01 Lin LW、Chen WS、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), The effects of different solvent and temperature on the yield of polysaccharide extraction from Grifola frondosa powder. , 台湾营养学年会第三十八届年会暨学术研讨会, Jan. 2012, 台南
2012.01 Chen WS、Lin LW、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), Different ratio of solute, solvent and extraction time on polysaccharide yield of Grifola frondosa. - 台湾营养学年会第三十八届年会暨学术研讨会, Jan. 2012, 台南
2012.01 Huang CY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), Sphingosine 1, phosphate (S1P) inhibits a human prostate cancer PC-3 cell survival via the S1P1- and S1P5-dependent signaling pathway. - The 5th China Medical University & Asia University Joint Conference on Biotechnology, Jan. 2012, Taichung
2012.01 Zeng YR、Chen WS、Lin LW、Han CK、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), The anticancer effect of polysaccharides of Grifola frondosa extracted from different extraction methods. , 台湾营养学年会第三十八届年会暨学术研讨会, Jan. 2012, 台南
2012.01 Chiang FM、Lin CY、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI), Effects of water extraction of Grifola frondosa on several cancer cells survival. , The 5th China Medical University & Asia University Joint Conference on Biotechnology, Jan. 2012, Taichung
2012.01 Wang YM、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Zeng YR、Chuang TN、Han JG, Polysaccharide extraction and biologic activity of different particle size from Tremella fuciformis powder. , The 27nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2012, Taipei
2012.01 Wang YM、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Zeng YR、Chuang TN、Han JG, Polysaccharide Extraction and Biologic Activity of Different Particle Size from Tremella fuciformis Powder , The 26nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
2012.01 Wang YM、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Han JG、Lin CY, The effects of different extraction time and temperature on the yield of polysaccharide from Tremella powder , The 26nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
2012.01 Chuang TN、Ke SY、Zeng YR、Lin LW、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang), Lysophosphatidic acid inhibits autophagy in human prostate cancer PC, 3 cells upon serum deprivation - The 26nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
2012.01 Zeng YR、Huang CY、Chen WS、Chuang TN、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang), S1P Suppresses Cell Survival through the Gq, dependent Signaling Pathway in PC-3 cells - The 26nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
2012.01 Huang CY、Yang CY、Cheng YH、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang), Sphingosine 1, phosphate (S1P) inhibits a human prostate cancer PC-3 cell survival via a S1P1-dependent signaling pathway - The 26nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
2012.01 Wang YM、黄元励(HUANG, YUAN-LI)、Chang HC、Lin CY、Han CK, Changes in the texture and physical properties of hamburger containing Tremella fuciformis during storage. , The 5th China Medical University & Asia University Joint Conference on Biotechnology, Jan. 2012, Taichung
2011.01 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、陈宛霞、吴政宗、林良蔚、黄仲亿、蒋丰懋、韩建国、林俊义, 舞菇粉物理性质分析之探讨 , 台湾食品科技学会第41次年会, Jan. 2011, 台湾
2011.01 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、林良蔚、吴政宗、王佑民、陈宛霞、韩建国、林俊义, 不同粒径舞菇粉末添加对硬质饼干之影响 , 台湾食品科技学会第41次年会, Jan. 2011, 台湾
2011.01 吴政宗、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、王佑民、曾郁茹、庄采霓、杨婕妤、韩建国、林俊义, 添加舞菇粉对硬质饼干品质之影响 , 台湾食品科技学会第41次年会, Jan. 2011, 台湾
2011.01 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Chang CL、Chiang HC、Shih CJ、Huang WP、Lee H, S1P1 and S1P5 are required for S1P, induced ER stress in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. - Keystone Symposia 2011, Jan. 2011, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
2010.01 Lin CE、Lin CH、Chang CL、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Lee H, Lysophosphatidic acid enhances VEGF, C expression in PC-3 human prostate cancer cells - FASEB, Jan. 2010, USA
2010.01 Shih CJ、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Chang CL、Huang WP、Lee H, Sphingosine 1, phosphate-induced autophagy is mediated through activating endoplasmic reticulum stress response in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells - FASEB, Jan. 2010, USA
2008.01 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Su PH、Wu GCC、Wang TC、Chou YW、Chang KW、Yang HY, EGF, induced Phenotypic Modulation and Cytoprotective Effect in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells through the Regulation of Nestin Expression. - 4th International Symposium of the Kanagawa University - National Taiwan University Exchange Program, Jan. 2008, Taipei, Taiwan
2008.01 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Su PH、Wang TC、Chou YW、Yang HY, EGF, induced phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells through regulating the nestin expression - 15th International Vascular Biology Meeting, Jan. 2008, Sydney, Australia
2007.01 Su PH、Lin YC、Ding IC、Wang TC、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Wu GCC、Yang HY, Expression of plectin in the developing rat spinal cord , The 22nd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2007, Taipei, Taiwan
2001.01 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Huang BM、Huang LM、Wu CS、Wang YK、Yang HY, Cordyceps sinensis induces MA, 10 tumor cell apoptosis via activation of the caspase-8 and the suppression of NF-κB pathway - The 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Jan. 2001, Taipei, Taiwan
2001.01 黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Huang LM、Wang YK、Wu CS、Huang BM, Cordyceps sinensis on apoptosis in MA, 10 mouse Leydig tumor cells - Society for the Study of Reproduction, Jan. 2001, Canada
2001.01 Chen YC、黄元励(Yuan-Li Huang)、Huang BM, he mechanism of actions of Cordyceps sinensis on steroidogenesis in MA, 10 mouse Leydig tumor cells - Society for the Study of Reproduction, Jan. 2001, Canada
计画名称 计画期间
探讨山芙蓉萃取物在高血糖引发前列腺癌之作用 (MOSTMOST 108-2320-B-468 -005) 2019.08 ~ 2020.07
水解磷酸脂在人类前列腺癌转移中扮演角色之探讨 (MOST106-2320-B-468 -001 ) 2016.08 ~ 2017.07
山芙蓉花萃取平台建立及其调控生理功能评估 (MOST 104-2311-B-468 -001) 2015.08 ~ 2016.07
以细胞研究平台探讨山芙蓉抗动脉粥状硬化之研究 (MOST 103-2320-B-468 -003) 2014.08 ~ 2015.07
骨关节炎研究平台 (CMU102-ASIA-10) 2014.07 ~ 2015.06
金针菇脚废弃物生理活性之研究 (102-asia-14) 2014.02 ~ 2015.01
高通量DNA萃取及利用Hooker adaptor PCR分析进行突变点核酸序列之解序及分析 (20131217223237) 2013.09 ~ 2014.12
骨细胞研究平台 (CMU101-ASIA-01) 2013.06 ~ 2014.05
甲鱼萃取物之生理活性及保健效能之评估 (20131217222555) 2013.04 ~ 2013.10
鞘氨醇 1-磷酸盐于人类前列腺癌细胞之研究:内质网压力与细胞自嗜之机制探讨 (101-asia-38) 2013.02 ~ 2014.01
骨细胞研究平台 (CMU100-ASIA-00) 2012.05 ~ 2013.04
水解磷酸脂于人类前列腺癌上之研究: 细胞自噬、内质网压力与细胞死亡之调控机制 (100-asia-12) 2011.12 ~ 2012.11
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 TM300043A 论文专题研究(二) 113
大学日间部 GOG00412A 宠物医学概论-4 113
大学日间部 TV300014A 兽医组织学 113
大学日间部 TV300079A 诊疗实习(二) 113
大学日间部 TV300081A 临床讨论(二) 113
大学日间部 TK300002A 生物化学 113
大学日间部 TK300002B 生物化学 113
大学日间部 GOG00490C 健康与生活-3 113
大学日间部 TM300007A 生理学 113
大学日间部 TM300007B 生理学 113
大学日间部 TM300008A 生理学实验 113
大学日间部 TM300008B 生理学实验 113
大学日间部 TM300179A 细胞诊断及病理切片技术实验 113
大学日间部 TM300179B 细胞诊断及病理切片技术实验 113
大学日间部 TM300182A 精准肿瘤学 113
大学日间部 TM300196A 细胞诊断及病理切片技术 113
大学日间部 TM300196B 细胞诊断及病理切片技术 113
大学日间部 TT300108A 生理学(一) 113
年度 名称 全部作者
103 神经鞘氨醇-1-磷酸盐抑制人类前腺列腺癌PC-3细胞增生机制之探讨 林东谷
102 Thromospondin-2对人类前列腺癌细胞转移之影响 林良蔚
101 Resistin对人类骨肉瘤细胞转移之影响 黄禾甯
100 山芙蓉萃取液对人类前列腺癌细胞之影响 林晏安
099 神经鞘氨醇-1-磷酸盐对人类前列腺癌PC-3细胞增生之影响 黄仲亿
099 金针菇可食部位及其菇脚之生理活性探讨 郑雨玹
年分 计画名称 指导教授 学系 学生姓名
102 白舞菇子实体及原基体之抗癌功效评估
101 大陸与台湾地区银耳生理活性物质与抗癌机制異同之研究 黄元励 生物科技学系 曾郁茹